verfasst von Apolo Pena
🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *🐛 FIX: path to get_env_value' *🐛 FIX: path to get_env_value *⚰️ REMOVE: file associations hack for files with no extension *♻️ REFACTOR: location *⚰️ REMOVE: shellcheck *⚰️ REMOVE: commented out shellcheck extension *➕ ADD: alias to shellcheck .sh files *🐛 FIX: debconf (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal *✏️ FIX TYPO: missing install *🤖 TEST: quiet install of php-fpm *🤖 TEST: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive to suppress debconf warnings *👌 IMPROVE: combined log file runs *🐛 FIX: start_apache path *🐛 FIX: debconf warning *🐛 FIX: debconf warning *🐛 FIX: debconf warning *🐛 FIX: exclude 1090,1091 from shellchecks *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: force passing of shellcheck *🤖 TEST: passes shellcheck *🤖 TEST: passes schellcheck *🤖 TEST: changelog generator *🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *🐛 FIX: lint only scripts in .gp *👌 IMPROVE: best practice for setting root *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/94 phpmyadmin wont display in an iframe *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/94 phpmyadmin wont display in an iframe *🤖 TEST: fix for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/95 *🤖 TEST: fix for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/95 *🤖 TEST: fix for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/95 *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *👌 IMPROVE: display port number *🩹 TEMP FIX: revert to no color in spinner *👌 IMPROVE: clock spinner *👌 IMPROVE: dot spinner *👌 IMPROVE: speed *🤖 TEST: remove stop_spinner calls *🐛 FIX: added stop_spinner calls back in *👌 IMPROVE: added pipe spinner *👌 IMPROVE: back to dot spinner *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/90 nginx server requires trailing slash for phpmyadmin url *👌 IMPROVE: port security *🐛 FIX: nginx to use .gp/conf/nginx.conf *🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *🐛 FIX: removed duplicate try_files for php locations *🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *⚰️ REMOVE: local nginx.conf load *🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *🐛 FIX: restore composer install phpmyadmin verbosity *🐛 FIX: spinner success DONE msg after successful phpmyadmin install *🐛 FIX: revert working version *🤖 TEST: force *🤖 TEST: no github-changelog-generator *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin with or without trailing slash for phpmyadmin *🤖 TEST: force workspace *🐛 FIX: bad code *🐛 FIX: revert fix phpmyadmin install verbosity *🐛 FIX: revert to no phpmyadmin redirect for no traling slash *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin verbose install *🤖 TEST: force workspace *🐛 FIX: ignore linter *🐛 FIX: spinner for phpmyadmin install *🐛 FIX: move root out of locations *🤖 TEST: force workspace *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/90 and https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/96 *🤖 TEST: force container build *🐛 FIX: silence gp output *⚰️ REMOVE: /dev/null for gp (didnt work) *📦 NEW: encapsulates preview logic *📦 NEW: encapsulate start server logic *♻️ REFACTOR: start server logic *🐛 FIX: help_update_pma_pws absolute path *➕ ADD: *➕ ADD: alias op, open or refreshes preview browser *🐛 FIX: workaround for failing gp open call, see https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/19 *🐛 FIX: syntax for issue 19 workaround *🐛 FIX: hotfix workaround for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/19 *🐛 FIX: syntax *🐛 FIX: path to hotfix *➕ ADD: hotfix message *🐛 FIX: op absolute path *👌 IMPROVE: preview script can open path segments *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: message *👌 IMPROVE: colorized message *🐛 FIX: aliases to ~/.bashrc.d *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: try copy snippets to bashrc.d *🐛 FIX: removed line break *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/98 and https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/93 *✏️ FIX TYPO: missing $ *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/99 *🤖 TEST: fix https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/92 *🤖 TEST: fix https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/92 *🐛 FIX: symbolic link for xdebug php-fpm https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/92 *🐛 FIX: missing sudo for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/92 *♻️ REFACTOR: moved xdebug conf to .gp/conf *♻️ REFACTOR: give nginx its own folder *♻️ REFACTOR: php-fpm moved to its own folder *♻️ REFACTOR: moved .editorconfig to .gp/config/editorconfig *♻️ REFACTOR: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/98 *🐛 FIX: path *📖 DOC: update pma pws aliase name *♻️ REFACTOR: pma pws alias names *⚰️ REMOVE: unused license header *🐛 FIX: nginx log monitor *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin log msg *👌 IMPROVE: support colorized pma pws help msg * support colorized messages *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/100 lint-starter-scripts has no success message *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: shorten alias name to lint-starter *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: swap shellcheck install from brew to apt-get *🤖 TEST: turn colors back on to test https://github.com/gitpod-io/gitpod/pull/3870 *🤖 TEST: turn off colors, issue remains https://github.com/gitpod-io/gitpod/pull/3870 *🤖 TEST: laravel 7 *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: laravel 6 *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: react *🤖 TEST: laravel 7 *🤖 TEST: force docker *🤖 TEST: no react *🤖 TEST: laravel 5 *👌 IMPROVE: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/102 Make the version of Laravel configurable in starter.ini *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: configure laravel to version 7.* *🐛 FIX: gitpod-laravel8-starter to gitpod-laravel-starter *🐛 FIX: make rsync scaffolding laravel version agnostic *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: path to artisan *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: rules for setting laravel version *🐛 FIX: wiring in https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/101 Support Laravel 5, 6 and 7 *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: react *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: more rules for laravel version directive *🤖 TEST: laravel 6 *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: laravel version rules wording *🐛 FIX: handle cases for laravel major version set to 5 in starter.ini *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: path to laravel-js-2space *🤖 TEST: laravel 5 *🐛 FIX: warning color *🐛 FIX: log message for laravel 5 and front end scaffolding *🤖 TEST: vue *🤖 TEST: vue auth *🤖 TEST: laravel 5.5.* *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: laravel 6 *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: log messages *♻️ REFACTOR: move auth directives to top level *👌 IMPROVE: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/105 Provide a Vue EXAMPLE *🤖 TEST: no vue or vue auth *🤖 TEST: laravel 7.* *🤖 TEST: laravel 8.* *🤖 TEST: laravel 8.* *🤖 TEST: laravel 6.0.0 *🐛 FIX: log msg for using laravel version out of range *🤖 TEST: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/107 *♻️ REFACTOR: drop support for Laravel 5 *🐛 FIX: example initializes when it should be skipped *🐛 FIX: workaround trailing slash rewrite does not wotk in an iframe for nginx *🤖 TEST: laravel 8.* *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: phpmyadmin *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin was ignored when not using an EXAMPLE *🤖 TEST: force *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin was ignored when not using an EXAMPLE *🤖 TEST: force *🐛 FIX: abort with error msg if not run from the project root *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: update laravel version rules *🐛 FIX: pass linter *🐛 FIX: only allow laravel version values 6.* 7.* or 8.* *🤖 TEST: force *🤖 TEST: invalid laravel version *⚰️ REMOVE: test code *🤖 TEST: force *⚰️ REMOVE: invalid laravel version value *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: typo *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: END block *👌 IMPROVE: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/109 allow_mixed_web starter.ini config *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/109 allow_mixed_web starter.ini config *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: fixed path *🐛 FIX: bypass allow-mixed-web injection if file has already been injected *🐛 FIX: add linebreak *🐛 FIX: pass dev qa for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/109 allow_mixed_web directive in starter.ini *🐛 FIX: cases where frontend is already in vcs and case where exmaple is request but laravel is already installed *🐛 FIX: hook for laravel scaffolding in VCS *🐛 FIX: missing shebang *👌 IMPROVE: install npm ^7 *🐛 FIX: log msg *🤖 TEST: laravel 7.* *🐛 FIX: update npm to ^7 *🤖 TEST: laravel 6.* *🤖 TEST: force *🐛 FIX: powered by summary *🐛 FIX: pass linter and add woman technologist *🤖 TEST: no installs *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/111 *🤖 TEST: force *⚰️ REMOVE: extraneous message *🐛 FIX: laravel_version no longer uses starter.ini *♻️ REFACTOR: rename hotfix to hotfix https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/19 *🐛 FIX: rolling in QAed changes from other branches *🐛 FIX: rolling in QAed changes from other branches *📖 DOC: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/85 https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/97 https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/103 *✏️ FIX TYPO: superseded to superceded *➕ ADD: missing code from QAed branch *🐛 FIX: revert to defaults *⚰️ REMOVE: extra linebreak *⚰️ REMOVE: extra space *🐛 FIX: gracefully handle laravel version mismatches *♻️ REFACTOR: rename hotfix19.sh to patch-preview.sh *🐛 FIX: change log message for successful laravel .env injection *🐛 FIX: update summary message *🐛 FIX: wording for summary *🐛 FIX: remove package-lock.json, this is a yarn based project *➕ ADD: success and error logs for instaling github-changelog-generator *🐛 FIX: notify user when vue install directive was found but intentionally skipped *✏️ FIX TYPO: missing the word is *🐛 FIX: change verbose short option from -v to -V *♻️ REFACTOR: move cleanup, re order tasks, edit comments *🐛 FIX: update comments and log message *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: edit/add comments *➕ ADD: license URL *⚰️ REMOVE: extra linebreak *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: edit wording *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: edit/add wording *🐛 FIX: linebreaks in show_first_run_summary *🐛 FIX: missing logger *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: edit/add wording *♻️ REFACTOR: show_powered_by: alternate vue version location for version >2 *🐛 FIX: remove directive to configure vue version, too many edge cases to support *🤖 TEST: vue install when using laravel 6.* *🐛 FIX: install vue regardless of laravel version *🤖 TEST: restore defaultsverfasst von Apolo Pena*
🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *🐛 FIX: path to get_env_value' *🐛 FIX: path to get_env_value *⚰️ REMOVE: file associations hack for files with no extension *♻️ REFACTOR: location *⚰️ REMOVE: shellcheck *⚰️ REMOVE: commented out shellcheck extension *➕ ADD: alias to shellcheck .sh files *🐛 FIX: debconf (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal *✏️ FIX TYPO: missing install *🤖 TEST: quiet install of php-fpm *🤖 TEST: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive to suppress debconf warnings *👌 IMPROVE: combined log file runs *🐛 FIX: start_apache path *🐛 FIX: debconf warning *🐛 FIX: debconf warning *🐛 FIX: debconf warning *🐛 FIX: exclude 1090,1091 from shellchecks *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: force passing of shellcheck *🤖 TEST: passes shellcheck *🤖 TEST: passes schellcheck *🤖 TEST: changelog generator *🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *🐛 FIX: lint only scripts in .gp *👌 IMPROVE: best practice for setting root *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/94 phpmyadmin wont display in an iframe *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/94 phpmyadmin wont display in an iframe *🤖 TEST: fix for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/95 *🤖 TEST: fix for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/95 *🤖 TEST: fix for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/95 *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *🤖 TEST: fix 95 for spinner *👌 IMPROVE: display port number *🩹 TEMP FIX: revert to no color in spinner *👌 IMPROVE: clock spinner *👌 IMPROVE: dot spinner *👌 IMPROVE: speed *🤖 TEST: remove stop_spinner calls *🐛 FIX: added stop_spinner calls back in *👌 IMPROVE: added pipe spinner *👌 IMPROVE: back to dot spinner *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/90 nginx server requires trailing slash for phpmyadmin url *👌 IMPROVE: port security *🐛 FIX: nginx to use .gp/conf/nginx.conf *🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *🐛 FIX: removed duplicate try_files for php locations *🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *⚰️ REMOVE: local nginx.conf load *🤖 TEST: force workspace image build *🐛 FIX: restore composer install phpmyadmin verbosity *🐛 FIX: spinner success DONE msg after successful phpmyadmin install *🐛 FIX: revert working version *🤖 TEST: force *🤖 TEST: no github-changelog-generator *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin with or without trailing slash for phpmyadmin *🤖 TEST: force workspace *🐛 FIX: bad code *🐛 FIX: revert fix phpmyadmin install verbosity *🐛 FIX: revert to no phpmyadmin redirect for no traling slash *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin verbose install *🤖 TEST: force workspace *🐛 FIX: ignore linter *🐛 FIX: spinner for phpmyadmin install *🐛 FIX: move root out of locations *🤖 TEST: force workspace *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/90 and https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/96 *🤖 TEST: force container build *🐛 FIX: silence gp output *⚰️ REMOVE: /dev/null for gp (didnt work) *📦 NEW: encapsulates preview logic *📦 NEW: encapsulate start server logic *♻️ REFACTOR: start server logic *🐛 FIX: help_update_pma_pws absolute path *➕ ADD: *➕ ADD: alias op, open or refreshes preview browser *🐛 FIX: workaround for failing gp open call, see https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/19 *🐛 FIX: syntax for issue 19 workaround *🐛 FIX: hotfix workaround for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/19 *🐛 FIX: syntax *🐛 FIX: path to hotfix *➕ ADD: hotfix message *🐛 FIX: op absolute path *👌 IMPROVE: preview script can open path segments *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: message *👌 IMPROVE: colorized message *🐛 FIX: aliases to ~/.bashrc.d *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: try copy snippets to bashrc.d *🐛 FIX: removed line break *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/98 and https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/93 *✏️ FIX TYPO: missing $ *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/99 *🤖 TEST: fix https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/92 *🤖 TEST: fix https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/92 *🐛 FIX: symbolic link for xdebug php-fpm https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/92 *🐛 FIX: missing sudo for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/92 *♻️ REFACTOR: moved xdebug conf to .gp/conf *♻️ REFACTOR: give nginx its own folder *♻️ REFACTOR: php-fpm moved to its own folder *♻️ REFACTOR: moved .editorconfig to .gp/config/editorconfig *♻️ REFACTOR: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/98 *🐛 FIX: path *📖 DOC: update pma pws aliase name *♻️ REFACTOR: pma pws alias names *⚰️ REMOVE: unused license header *🐛 FIX: nginx log monitor *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin log msg *👌 IMPROVE: support colorized pma pws help msg * support colorized messages *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel8-starter/issues/100 lint-starter-scripts has no success message *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: shorten alias name to lint-starter *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: swap shellcheck install from brew to apt-get *🤖 TEST: turn colors back on to test https://github.com/gitpod-io/gitpod/pull/3870 *🤖 TEST: turn off colors, issue remains https://github.com/gitpod-io/gitpod/pull/3870 *🤖 TEST: laravel 7 *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: laravel 6 *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: react *🤖 TEST: laravel 7 *🤖 TEST: force docker *🤖 TEST: no react *🤖 TEST: laravel 5 *👌 IMPROVE: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/102 Make the version of Laravel configurable in starter.ini *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: configure laravel to version 7.* *🐛 FIX: gitpod-laravel8-starter to gitpod-laravel-starter *🐛 FIX: make rsync scaffolding laravel version agnostic *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: path to artisan *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: rules for setting laravel version *🐛 FIX: wiring in https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/101 Support Laravel 5, 6 and 7 *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: react *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: more rules for laravel version directive *🤖 TEST: laravel 6 *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: laravel version rules wording *🐛 FIX: handle cases for laravel major version set to 5 in starter.ini *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: path to laravel-js-2space *🤖 TEST: laravel 5 *🐛 FIX: warning color *🐛 FIX: log message for laravel 5 and front end scaffolding *🤖 TEST: vue *🤖 TEST: vue auth *🤖 TEST: laravel 5.5.* *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: laravel 6 *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: log messages *♻️ REFACTOR: move auth directives to top level *👌 IMPROVE: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/105 Provide a Vue EXAMPLE *🤖 TEST: no vue or vue auth *🤖 TEST: laravel 7.* *🤖 TEST: laravel 8.* *🤖 TEST: laravel 8.* *🤖 TEST: laravel 6.0.0 *🐛 FIX: log msg for using laravel version out of range *🤖 TEST: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/107 *♻️ REFACTOR: drop support for Laravel 5 *🐛 FIX: example initializes when it should be skipped *🐛 FIX: workaround trailing slash rewrite does not wotk in an iframe for nginx *🤖 TEST: laravel 8.* *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🤖 TEST: phpmyadmin *🤖 TEST: force docker build *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin was ignored when not using an EXAMPLE *🤖 TEST: force *🐛 FIX: phpmyadmin was ignored when not using an EXAMPLE *🤖 TEST: force *🐛 FIX: abort with error msg if not run from the project root *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: update laravel version rules *🐛 FIX: pass linter *🐛 FIX: only allow laravel version values 6.* 7.* or 8.* *🤖 TEST: force *🤖 TEST: invalid laravel version *⚰️ REMOVE: test code *🤖 TEST: force *⚰️ REMOVE: invalid laravel version value *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: typo *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: END block *👌 IMPROVE: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/109 allow_mixed_web starter.ini config *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/109 allow_mixed_web starter.ini config *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: fixed path *🐛 FIX: bypass allow-mixed-web injection if file has already been injected *🐛 FIX: add linebreak *🐛 FIX: pass dev qa for https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/109 allow_mixed_web directive in starter.ini *🐛 FIX: cases where frontend is already in vcs and case where exmaple is request but laravel is already installed *🐛 FIX: hook for laravel scaffolding in VCS *🐛 FIX: missing shebang *👌 IMPROVE: install npm ^7 *🐛 FIX: log msg *🤖 TEST: laravel 7.* *🐛 FIX: update npm to ^7 *🤖 TEST: laravel 6.* *🤖 TEST: force *🐛 FIX: powered by summary *🐛 FIX: pass linter and add woman technologist *🤖 TEST: no installs *🐛 FIX: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/111 *🤖 TEST: force *⚰️ REMOVE: extraneous message *🐛 FIX: laravel_version no longer uses starter.ini *♻️ REFACTOR: rename hotfix to hotfix https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/19 *🐛 FIX: rolling in QAed changes from other branches *🐛 FIX: rolling in QAed changes from other branches *📖 DOC: https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/85 https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/97 https://github.com/apolopena/gitpod-laravel-starter/issues/103 *✏️ FIX TYPO: superseded to superceded *➕ ADD: missing code from QAed branch *🐛 FIX: revert to defaults *⚰️ REMOVE: extra linebreak *⚰️ REMOVE: extra space *🐛 FIX: gracefully handle laravel version mismatches *♻️ REFACTOR: rename hotfix19.sh to patch-preview.sh *🐛 FIX: change log message for successful laravel .env injection *🐛 FIX: update summary message *🐛 FIX: wording for summary *🐛 FIX: remove package-lock.json, this is a yarn based project *➕ ADD: success and error logs for instaling github-changelog-generator *🐛 FIX: notify user when vue install directive was found but intentionally skipped *✏️ FIX TYPO: missing the word is *🐛 FIX: change verbose short option from -v to -V *♻️ REFACTOR: move cleanup, re order tasks, edit comments *🐛 FIX: update comments and log message *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: edit/add comments *➕ ADD: license URL *⚰️ REMOVE: extra linebreak *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: edit wording *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: edit/add wording *🐛 FIX: linebreaks in show_first_run_summary *🐛 FIX: missing logger *💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: edit/add wording *♻️ REFACTOR: show_powered_by: alternate vue version location for version >2 *🐛 FIX: remove directive to configure vue version, too many edge cases to support *🤖 TEST: vue install when using laravel 6.* *🐛 FIX: install vue regardless of laravel version *🤖 TEST: restore defaults
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